Over the past 42 years, the Star Wars universe has grown beyond galaxy-spanning battles between an evil empire and acrobatic warrior monks to encompass a multitude of stories about diversity, resilience, courage, the brutality of colonial rule, and the complicated relationships between people and the technologies we create. The CGI animated series Star Wars: The Clone Wars continues this expansion, delving into Star Wars history to consider the ethics of genetic engineering, the challenges and potential dangers of creating autonomous and “smart” technologies, the agonies of diplomacy, and the devastating toll of war on combatants and civilians alike.
Join us for a Science Fiction TV Dinner that’s also a bit of a CSI family affair, featuring Nina Miller, design strategist and resident CSI Star Wars aficionado; Bob Beard, communication and public engagement strategist and fan culture expert; and Joey Eschrich, program manager and editor for many of CSI’s science fiction publications.
We’ll have dinner for the first 150 guests. RSVP Now!
Location: Need help finding the Interdisciplinary Science & Technology Building IV? Here’s a map.
Parking: Parking can be challenging on ASU’s Tempe campus. We recommend that you use the Metro Light Rail to travel to the event, disembarking at the University Drive and Rural Road station. You can also use the Valley Metro bus system. If you’d like to explore options for visitor parking on campus, please visit the ASU Parking and Transit website.
Seating: Seating is first come, first served, and your RSVP does not guarantee a seat. So please arrive early, or at least on time!