Rubik's Cube

Summer Research Opportunities at CSI

Rubik's Cube

CSI is looking for two student researchers to join our team for the summer, so check out the project descriptions below and bask in the warm glow of intellectual curiosity!

Either opportunity can be completed for Independent Study credit, or not-for-credit, if you’d rather not pay for credits and would prefer to gain some valuable experience and some weird but also weirdly-impressive lines on your resume or CV!

To apply, email  (1) your resume/CV and (2) a brief (300-500) word statement of your background and experience with the subject and why you are interested in the position to Joey Eschrich at jpe AT

Digital Humanities and Computation, Summer 2013
Eligible for Independent Study credit or can be completed not-for-credit, to gain experience

We are seeking a student researcher to assist with a variety of projects in the Digital Humanities, an area of research that explores the intersection between computing, data analysis, social sciences, digital publishing and the humanities.

Desired Qualifications: Computer science or a related major with experience in:

Science Fiction and Thoughtful Optimism, Summer 2013
Eligible for Independent Study credit or can be completed not-for-credit, to gain experience

We are seeking a student researcher to work on a project surveying the history of English-language science fiction literature and looking for strains of techno-optimism, thoughtful optimism and utopian thinking.

Contemporary science fiction storytelling is dominated by gloomy, dystopian narratives. This project seeks an alternative history of the genre that focuses on more hopeful and inspiring visions of the future that are still thoughtful, critical and complex.

Desired Qualifications: Student in any discipline with a passion for literature and the ability to read critically, write concisely and synthesize information in a clear, comprehensible way. This project will involve reading a large number of short stories and novels, and could involve tangential research on video games, comic books, film and other media.

Image courtesy of Toni Blay, used under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 license. Thanks Toni!