Bodhisattva Chattopadhyay is associate professor at the Department of Culture Studies and Oriental Languages, University of Oslo, where he works on Climate Fiction, Quantum Fiction, and Medical Science Fiction within the Lifetimes framework. Chattopadhyay leads the European Research Council StG project CoFUTURES: Pathways to Possible Presents, and the Norwegian Research Council project Science Fictionality. He also runs the Holodeck, a state of the art games research lab at the University of Oslo. Chattopadhyay explores the interanimation of technoscientific development and artistic production, and the role that science fiction and future fictions can play in the development of possible, sustainable futures. In his current research, he is identifying the patterns of local adaptations to climate change, demographic change, and technological change imagined in future fictions from the Global South, including literature, visual arts, video games, and other media.
Chattopadhyay is the founding series editor (with Taryne Taylor) of Routledge Studies in Global Genre Fiction, and editor-in-chief of Fafnir: Nordic Journal of Science Fiction and Fantasy Research (FINFAR, Finland). He was formerly editor at the Journal of Science Fiction (MOSF, Washington, D.C.). He has been a visiting fellow at the Department of Informatics and Evoke Lab/Calit2, University of California, Irvine, and the Department of English and the Science Fiction Foundation, University of Liverpool. He has been the recipient of numerous awards and prizes, including the World Fantasy Award, the Johannes Berg Fandom Prize, the Strange Horizons Readers’ Poll Award, and the Foundation Essay Prize.
His research website is https://cofutures.org