Deena Gould

Teacher-In-Residence, Center for Science and the Imagination
Assistant Research Professor, School of Molecular Sciences

Deena Gould is a teacher-in-residence of the Center for Science and the Imagination and an assistant research professor in the School of Molecular Sciences. Deena earned her PhD in Learning, Literacies, and Technologies in 2019 at Arizona State University. Prior to her research career, Deena was an elementary school teacher, school media specialist, middle school science teacher, and multicultural and language teaching specialist. Currently, Deena partners with teachers and communities on the design, development, research, and application of interdisciplinary learning experiences and materials. Her research focuses on the design and study of expansive learning opportunities for youth and communities spanning across formal, informal, face-to-face, and digital spaces. Taking an ecological perspective, she studies the development of STEM interests and STEM identities in complex, multi-age, connected learning environments. The theoretical goal of Deena’s work is to create more equitable and inclusive opportunities for the development of STEM expertise, STEM identity, and interest-driven learning.