Ubiquitous Collaborative Support (UbiCoS)
A novel multi-platform approach to scaffolding math learning and encouraging student collaboration.
- On this page:
- About UbiCos
- Publications
- Team
About the Project
This project focused on creating a tool to encourage students to collaborate on different types of digital platforms in the context of a middle school math curriculum. In this project, we created a tool that tied together three types of digital collaboration models, and examined if we could use collaboration to encourage content learning and adapt to students’ unique collaborative styles.
Why pursue this project?
Other projects have worked towards supporting collaboration between students in one unique context, succeeding in trying to support students who have collaborated face to face or online. Our project is unique in its attempt to create collaborative support that ties different platforms together, whether face to face or online.
What are some of the project takeaways?
This was a proof-of-concept project and at this time, we don’t plan to follow through on creating the rest of this platform, but are coming away from this project with other useful takeaways such as a math curriculum, suggestions for standalone collaborative tools, and takeaways on how, why, and when students give help.
What can I find on this project’s website?
On this website, you’ll find a few resources that might be helpful for you.
If you’re a math teacher, you should want to take a look at our 3-4 week modeling curriculum for middle school math. We also will announce upcoming workshops on our home page.
If you are any kind of teacher, we’re in the process of writing up findings and compiling a list of digital tools that could be useful to you in facilitating collaboration. You could also take a look at our takeaways for educators.
If you’re a researcher doing similar work or potentially working in EdTech, you could find our publications relevant to your work.
Ahmed, I., Mawasi, A., Wang, S., Wylie, R., Bergner, Y., Whitehurst, A., & Walker, E. (2019, June). Investigating help-giving behavior in a cross-platform learning environment. In International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education (pp. 14-25). Springer, Cham.
Ahmed, I., Girotto, V., Mawasi, A., Whitehurst, A., Wylie, R., & Walker, E. (2019). Co-Design for Learner Help-Giving Across Physical and Digital Contexts. International Conference on the Learning Sciences.
Clark AT, Ahmed I, Metzger S, Walker E, Wylie R. Moving From Co-Design to Co-Research: Engaging Youth Participation in Guided Qualitative Inquiry. International Journal of Qualitative Methods. January 2022. doi:10.1177/16094069221084793
Mawasi, A., Ahmed, I., Walker, E., Wang, S., Marasli, Z., Whitehurst, A., & Wylie, R. (2020). Using design-based research to improve peer help-giving in a middle school math classroom. International Conference on the Learning Sciences.
Team – Contact Us
To contact us, please reach out to: eawalker@pitt.edu
Erin Walker (University of Pittsburgh)
Ruth Wylie (Arizona State University)
Ishrat Ahmed
Yoav Bergner
YounJi Grace Choi
Adam Clark
Chloe Dahan
Leah M. Friedman
Victor Girotto
Zeynep Marasli
Areej Mawasi
Stephania Metzger
Marilyn Mora
Rifa Vhora
Shang Wang
Amanda Whitehurst