Look on as a zombie horde chases hapless high school drama students across the ASU campus and into historic Old Main. After the action, zombie ushers will escort audience members inside Old Main’s Carson Ballroom, where we’ll help launch Tom Leveen’s young adult novel Sick, about a group of high school drama misfits who fend off a zombie apocalypse in the school theater.
Leveen will speak and sign books, and ASU scholars will present short programs on zombies in rhetorical analysis, literature, popular culture and as psychological phenomena. Presenters will include Peter Goggin, Emily Zarka and Shawn Mitchell of ASU’s Department of English.
Hosted by the ASU Department of English’s English Education Program, the Center for Science and the Imagination and the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, with support from Abrams Publishing.
The event is free of charge and open to the public. RSVP Now!
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