Us In Flux
Us in Flux is a new series of short stories and virtual gatherings that explore themes of community, collaboration, and collective imagination in response to transformative events. Every Thursday, we’ll publish a new, original piece of flash fiction with an interactive chat with the author and their special guests the following Monday at 4PM Eastern.

The Island, by Elsa Sjunneson
A story about ability and disability, journalism, and creating adaptable communities.

Sympathy, by Suyi Davies Okungbowa
A story by Suyi Davies Okungbowa about children, robots, and bureaucracy.

Us In Flux Conversations: Suyi Davies Okungbowa & Lance Gharavi

University, Speaking, by Phoebe Wagner
A story by Phoebe Wagner about reimagining universities as radically open to their communities, and better attuned to addressing local challenges.

Us In Flux Conversations: Phoebe Wagner & Punya Mishra

Becoming Birch, by Carter Meland
A story by Carter Meland about rock music, unexpected connections, and northern Minnesota forests.

Us In Flux Conversations: Carter Meland & Grace Dillon

“Tomorrow Is Another Daze” by Ernest Hogan
Us in Flux: Conversations—Ernest Hogan and Frederick Luis Aldama [Video—Past Event]

“Even God Has a Place Called Home” by Ray Mwihaki

Us in Flux: Conversations—Ray Mwihaki and Christopher Rowe [Video—Past Event]

“The Wandering City,” by Usman T. Malik

Us in Flux: Conversations—Usman T. Malik and James Graham [Video—Past Event]

“A Cyber-Cuscuta Manifesto” by Regina Kanyu Wang

Us in Flux: Conversations—Regina Kanyu Wang and Athena Aktipis [Video–Past Event]

“Notice” by Sarah Pinsker

Us in Flux: Conversations— Sarah Pinsker and Punya Mishra [Video–Past Event]

“Fourth and Most Important” by Nisi Shawl

Us in Flux: Conversations— Nisi Shawl and Ayana Jamieson [Video–Past Event]

The Art of Us in Flux: An Interview with Nina Miller
A conversation about art that visualizes the future, creative expression in moments of crisis, and how art can be a path into fictional worlds.

“Skating Without Streetlights” by Tina Connolly

Us in Flux: Conversations— Tina Connolly and Dennis Bonilla [Video–Past Event]

“A Room of One’s Own” by Tochi Onyebuchi

Us in Flux: Conversations—Tochi Onyebuchi and Michael G. Bennett [Video–Past Event]

“When We Call a Place Home” by Chinelo Onwualu

Us in Flux: Conversations—Chinelo Onwualu and Robert Evans [Video–Past Event]

“An Attempt at Exhausting My Deck” by Kij Johnson

Us in Flux: Conversations—Kij Johnson and Jessie Rack [Video—Past Event]

“The Parable of the Tares” by Christopher Rowe