Torie Bosch

Imaginary Papers: Issue 1
Alvaro Zinos-Amaro, Torie Bosch & Joey Eschrich

Future Tense Fiction: Stories of Tomorrow
An anthology of mind-bending science fiction short stories by some of the top authors in the field, drawn from our Future Tense Fiction project. How will living with scientific upheaval and technological transformation change the world–and us?

Neil deGrasse Tyson on Van Gogh’s Role in Space Exploration and Other Great Tales of Science
By Torie Bosch Science panels don’t normally involve a striptease, even a G-rated one. But on Saturday, March 30, Neil deGrasse Tyson took off his shirt to prove a point

Is It Time To Take Cyborg Rights Seriously? A Q&A With Neil Harbisson.
Torie Bosch Slate – Future Tense