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Table of Contents
- Title Page
- Copyright
- Credits
- Introduction: Resisting Acclimation
- Invasive Species By Amanda Baldeneaux
- The God of the Sea By Barakat Akinsiku
- Plasticized By Kathryn E. Hill
- The Drifter By J.R. Burgmann
- The Lullaby-Dirge By Mason Carr
- Driftless By Scott Dorsch
- Galansiyang By Sigrid Marianne Gayangos
- Those They Left Behind By Jules Hogan
- Redline By Anya Ow
- Field Notes By Natasha Seymour
- About the Contributors
- Honorable Mention: 2020 Semifinalists
Everything Change
An Anthology of Climate Fiction
Volume III
Edited by Angie Dell and Joey Eschrich
Illustrations by João Queiroz
Everything Change: An Anthology of Climate Fiction, Volume III. Copyright © 2021 Arizona State University
ISBN 978-1-7367758-0-6
Essays and Short Stories
The copyrights for individual short stories and essays are owned by their respective authors, as follows:
“Introduction: Resisting Acclimation,” by Angie Dell and Joey Eschrich. Copyright © 2021 Angie Dell and Joey Eschrich.
“Invasive Species,” by Amanda Baldeneaux. Copyright © 2021 Amanda Baldeneaux.
“The God of the Sea,” by Barakat Akinsiku. Copyright © 2021 Barakat Akinsiku.
“Plasticized,” by Kathryn E. Hill. Copyright © 2021 Kathryn E. Hill.
“The Drifter,” by J.R. Burgmann. Copyright © 2021 J.R. Burgmann.
“The Lullaby-Dirge,” by Mason Carr. Copyright © 2021 Mason Carr.
“Driftless,” by Scott Dorsch. Copyright © 2021 Scott Dorsch.
“Galansiyang,” by Sigrid Marianne Gayangos. Copyright © 2021 Sigrid Marianne Gayangos.
“Those They Left Behind,” by Jules Hogan. Copyright © 2021 Jules Hogan.
“Redline,” by Anya Ow. Copyright © 2021 Anya Ow.
“Field Notes,” by Natasha Seymour. Copyright © 2021 Natasha Seymour.
The copyrights for illustrations that appear throughout this volume are owned by J. Queiroz. Copyright © 2021 J. Queiroz.
Section-break icons designed by Fahmihorizon, distributed by The Noun Project. Used under a Creative Commons CC-BY 3.0 license. Learn more and download the icon at https://
Center for Science and the Imagination, Arizona State University
PO Box 876511
Tempe, AZ 85287-6511
eBook design by Emily Buckell
Angie Dell
Joey Eschrich
Contest Management
Malik Toms
Ashley Wilkins
João Queiroz
Ebook Design
Emily Buckell
Book and PDF Design
Nina Miller
Cover Design
Venkatesh Lakshmi Narayanan
Business Operations
Cody Staats
Dana Tribke
Leadership for the Imagination and Climate Futures Initiative
Ed Finn
Alberto Ríos
Ruth Wylie
Lead Judge
Claire Vaye Watkins
Scientific Editors
Margaret Garcia
Hilairy Hartnett
Paul Hirt
Literary Editors
Anthony Cody
Bruce Owens Grimm
Roy Juarez
Juhea Kim
Brian Lin
Malik Toms
Associate Editors
Stephanie Adams
Charlotte Ballard
Nina Benneton
Katherine Berta
Amanda Brewer
Kent Corbin
Elizabeth Daly
Emma Gadberry
Tiffany Hawk
Chris Heck
Andrea Hollnagel
Kyle Krupela
Kelly Lydick
Daniel Matlock
M. McDonough
Kylie Ottney
Rachel Robins
Ashley Wilkins
Lael Wilkins
Michael Wise
Support for the 2020 Everything Change Climate Fiction Contest and Everything Change, Volume III was provided by Ingka Group, the largest retailer and a strategic partner in the IKEA franchise system, operating nearly 380 IKEA stores in 30 countries. Learn more about Ingka Group and its commitment to sustainability at https://
About the Contributors
Barakat Akinsiku is a writer, author, and culture critic based in Lagos State, Nigeria. She writes fiction and creative nonfiction. Her writing has appeared in the Fair Observer Journal, The Republic, The Truth and various other publications. A budding researcher and environmentalist at heart, Barakat seeks to advocate for the environment using all available mediums. Barakat has a strong belief that stories can change the world and her favorite pastimes include relaxing with a good book and enjoying a nice documentary.
Amanda Baldeneaux is a writer living in Denver, Colorado with her husband and daughters. She attended the University of Arkansas for creative writing in poetry and is a contributing editor at Fiction Unbound. She is a Lighthouse Writers Workshop and Tin House workshop alum and was the recipient of The Missouri Review Jeffrey E. Smith Editors’ Prize for fiction in 2018. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in The Missouri Review, X-R-A-Y Literary Magazine, the Rappahannock Review, Sweet Tree Review, and elsewhere. She can be found online at amandabaldeneaux.com.
J.R. Burgmann, an emerging writer and doctoral candidate, is coauthor of Science Fiction and Climate Change: A Sociological Approach (Liverpool University Press, 2020) and a Research Associate at the Monash Climate Change Communication Research Hub, Australia. As part of his doctoral research, he has completed writing a climate-change novel entitled Children of Tomorrow. His fiction and arts criticism have been published across a range of publications, and he is currently a regular contributor to Australian Book Review.
Kathryn E. Hill’s fiction has appeared in several venues, and has won and been nominated for several prizes. She holds an MFA from Arizona State University.
Mason Carr is a born-and-raised Tucsonan who loves discovering new things about his beloved hometown. He is currently pursuing a degree in political science at Pima Community College, with a dream career in law and criminal-justice reform. As the current president of the writing club at his campus, he works to grow interest in and support for creative writing in the community. Mason was first published in the award-winning collegiate journal Sandscript and looks forward to advancing his deeper dream of becoming a professional author.
Scott Dorsch is an emerging writer from Michigan and an MFA fiction candidate at the University of Idaho. His work has appeared in The Midwestern Gothic, and he recently served as the fiction editor for Fugue. He is the recipient of a 2019 Writing in the Wild Fellowship through the University of Idaho, and a 2021 Good Hart Artist Residency. Beyond writing, Dorsch is a gardener, musician, and certified wildlife tracker with a rock-climbing obsession. He is currently at work on his first novel and story collection. Follow his work or get in touch at scottdorsch.com.
Sigrid Marianne Gayangos was born and raised in Zamboanga City, Philippines. Her works have appeared in Fantasy: Fiction for Young Adults, Likhaan: The Journal of Contemporary Philippine Literature, Cha: An Asian Literary Journal, Ombak Magazine, the Decoded Pride Month anthology, Anomaly, and The Best Small Fictions 2019, among other publications. Currently based in Dumaguete City, she divides her time between training a bunch of mathletes and finishing her first collection of short stories.
Jules Hogan is a writer from the Blue Ridge Mountains and an MFA candidate in fiction at ASU. Their work explores the complicated relationship between environmental and social justice in the American South. Stories can be found in the Yalobusha Review, the Sonora Review, Appalachian Heritage, and other such wonderful journals. Jules is fiction editor for Hayden’s Ferry Review.
Anya Ow is the author of The Firebird’s Tale and Cradle and Grave, and is an Aurealis Awards finalist. Her short stories have appeared in publications such as Daily Science Fiction, Uncanny, The Year’s Best Dark Fantasy & Horror, 2019 Edition anthology, and more. Born in Singapore, Anya has a Bachelor of Laws from Melbourne University and a Bachelor of Applied Design from Billy Blue College of Design. She lives in Melbourne with her two cats, working as a graphic designer, illustrator, and chief studio dog briber for a creative agency. She can be found at www.anyasy.com or on twitter @anyasy.
Natasha Seymour is a writer from Melbourne, Australia. She is currently working as a publicist and fiction coordinator for Overland literary journal and completing her master’s degree in creative writing. Her writing has been published in The Guardian and Anthroprospective journal. She has a short story appearing in the upcoming Intrepid Times anthology, Fearless Footsteps. She likes to write about everything, but has a special interest in stories and essays about travel.
João Queiroz is a Brazilian digital artist born in the Amazonian state of Rondônia. His work focuses on science fiction, especially in the solarpunk and cyberpunk genres. In 2019, he created a project named Amazofuturism, an ongoing series of illustrations that mixes solarpunk and cyberpunk aesthetics with Brazilian Indigenous peoples’ cultures, making its own brand of Indigenous Futurism. He hopes to continue to help build a greener future through art. You can find him on Instagram and Twitter @q1r0z.
Angie Dell is the associate director of the Virginia G. Piper Center for Creative Writing at Arizona State University, and a writer, editor, letterpress printer, and book artist. Their creative work challenges objectification and disassociation, both through an ecological lens and through the human body, and their writing, books, and prints have been featured in journals, collections, libraries, and galleries across the United States and internationally. See more of their work at www.shuteyepress.com.
Joey Eschrich is the editor and program manager at the Center for Science and the Imagination at Arizona State University, and assistant director for Future Tense, a partnership of ASU, Slate magazine, and New America on emerging technology, policy, and society. He has coedited several books of science fiction and nonfiction, including Future Tense Fiction (2019), published by Unnamed Press, A Year Without a Winter (2019), published by Columbia University Press, and Visions, Ventures, Escape Velocities (2017), which was supported by a grant from NASA. He edits Imaginary Papers, a quarterly newsletter on science fiction worldbuilding, futures thinking, and imagination.
Honorable Mention: 2020 Semifinalists
We want to congratulate our semifinalists for the 2020 Everything Change Climate Fiction Contest—we had an incredible pool of submissions, and the judging process was quite tough!
Mike Barretta, “The Last Wild Country”
Charlotte Chadwick, “Last Words of a Shooting Star”
Olivia Davis, “The Aftershock”
Hannah Hindley, “To Salvage Something from the Empty Sea”
Dóra Horvàth, “A Forest of Redwood”
Susan Iwanisziw, “Eve: A Crystalline Girl”
Owen Leddy, “A Killing Garden”
James Marshall, “The Bee-Hive Wig”
Donna McDermott, “What Thaws”
Alex Meade, “Nanna Gran”
Mathapelo Mofokeng, “The Strong-Strong Winds”
Paula Molina Acosta, “Ida on the Water”
Julie Morrison, “Misnomer”
Patricia Ridgway, “Child of the Earth”
Josh Taylor, “e=mc squared pi”