
Some of us are born in orbit
Jessie Rack

There are wonderful holes in my brain
Jessie Rack

Because the wolves are shot
By Jessie Rack “Coyote” by Jitze Couperus, licensed under CC BY 2.0 What do you really know about coyotes? Maybe you’ve heard the official line about the economic consequences of coyotes

The Crab and the Butterfly: Semicolon Services in the 21st Century
Corey S. Pressman

Poetry for Robots
Corey S. Pressman

Clockwork Conversation: Not Everything Could Be Half of Something
In 1562, Don Carlos, the seventeen-year-old heir apparent to the Spanish throne, falls down a flight of stairs. Tragically, he sustains a terrible head wound. His father, King Philip II,

Poetry by Robots for Robots
A lot of ink and electrons have been spilled on the task of getting our machines to pass the Turing test. It is indeed an accomplishment of some proportion if a computer’s linguistic or artistic output can pass for human-generated. But does a passing grade really mean genuine awareness?

Poetry by Robots for Robots
Corey S. Pressman

Poetry for Robots
Our stuff is meaningful; it’s symbolically and semiotically imbued with signals of memory, utility, and identity. These meanings are the fabric of culture – shared ideas and values that we