Tomorrow Project Books

Journeys Through Time and Space

Humanity defines itself by its journeys. Whether we’re crossing oceans, blasting off into space, migrating to distant unknown lands, or pursuing voyages of discovery within our own minds, we learn about who we are and who we want to become by traversing time, space and the imagination. In this volume, 11 young authors use science fiction storytelling to explore human futures shaped by excursions through space and time, and into the labyrinthine caverns of the human mind. These stories, paired with an essay from renowned planetary scientist and NewSpace pioneer Jim Bell about the thrilling near future of human activity and exploration in space, challenge us to think big and seek the futures we want, even if our journeys take us beyond the bounds of the possible.

This collection is part of Tomorrow Project USA, a collaboration between ASU’s Center for Science and the Imagination, Intel, and the Society for Science & the Public that ignites creative, productive, science-based conversations about the future through books of original stories, essays, and artwork created by K-12 and college students. The collections are overseen by an editorial board of leading researchers, journalists, and scholars.

Living Tomorrow

Our science fiction visions of the future often obsess over the mechanical and the digital—from rockets and space stations to holodecks and cyberspace. In this volume, 11 young authors use science fiction storytelling to explore a diverse range of possible futures shaped by biological and environmental challenges and solutions.

These stories, paired with interviews and essays from top thinkers in fields ranging from science fiction and futurism to archaeology, physics, and the history of science and technology, inspire us to contemplate and cultivate the fetching futures we want, while motivating us to take steps to prevent nightmarish alternatives.

This collection is part of Tomorrow Project USA, a collaboration between ASU’s Center for Science and the Imagination, Intel, and the Society for Science & the Public that ignites creative, productive, science-based conversations about the future through books of original stories, essays, and artwork created by K-12 and college students. The collections are overseen by an editorial board of leading researchers, journalists, and scholars.

Dark Futures

One person’s utopia is another’s dystopia, but both perspectives have one thing in common—hope for humanity is taken away when all the questions are answered for us. Science fiction is the language we use to talk about the future and its endless possibilities, including those that we desire and those that we fear. This collection of science fiction short stories takes us into those dark futures so that we can have a conversation about how to avoid them. Featuring an essay by science fiction author and technology entrepreneur Ramez Naam and an interview with legendary science fiction novelist Kim Stanley Robinson, author of the Mars trilogy, Green Earth, and 2312.

This collection is part of Tomorrow Project USA, a collaboration between ASU’s Center for Science and the Imagination, Intel, and the Society for Science & the Public that ignites creative, productive, science-based conversations about the future through books of original stories, essays, and artwork created by K-12 and college students. The collections are overseen by an editorial board of leading researchers, journalists, and scholars.

The Future – Powered by Fiction

“What if I told you that the future could be found threaded through the words of this anthology? Would you believe it?” 

– Brian David Johnson, Futurist

A Day in My Life in 2025

We are living in an era in which technology has exponentially reduced the distance between individuals, socialized the resources, and increased transparency, ethics and commitment. These are new times, when each one of us has superpowers in our minds and at the tip of our fingers. The stories gathered in this anthology give us a glimpse of possible scenarios for our future limited only by our own imagination. Therefore, tighten your seat belts and be part of this journey: The Tomorrow Project.


Um dia da minha vida em 2025

Estamos vivendo uma era exponencial, em que a tecnologia aproximou as pessoas, socializou os recursos, trouxe mais transparência, ética e compromisso. São novos tempos, onde cada um de nós tem super poderes em nossas mentes e nas pontas dos nossos dedos. As histórias reunidas nesta antologia nos permitem vislumbrar possíveis cenários do nosso futuro, onde a única limitação é a nossa própria imaginação. Portanto, apertem os cintos e façam parte dessa jornada: The Tomorrow Project.


Cautions, Dreams & Curiosities

A collection of short stories and essays about fact-based, science based futures we want to work toward together, and others that we hope to avoid entirely. Presented by the Center for Science and the Imagination and the Tomorrow Project, Cautions, Dreams & Curiosities brings together contributions from authors all over the world, including award-winning science fiction writers Cory Doctorow, Madeline Ashby, and Rich Larson, futurist Brian David Johnson, and more.

Imagining the Future and Building It

There is a way for us to change the future for the better. We can change the future by changing the story we tell ourselves about the future that we are going to live in. Imagining the Future and Building It features science fiction prototypes written by leading science fiction authors Madeline Ashby and Karl Schroeder, and technologists Roger Kay, Kathleen Maher, Rob Enderle, and Jon Peddie.

Conversations About the Future

What kind of future do you want to live in? What kind of future should we avoid? What is your wildest request of the future? Brian David Johnson, Intel’s futurist, asks these questions of scientists and engineers, legends and luminaries, science fiction authors and renowned experts. Their visions, stories and passionate arguments are collected here. The Tomorrow Project invites you to join the conversation and change the future. This collection features conversations with science fiction author, journalist, and activist Cory Doctorow, media theorist Douglas Rushkoff, and artist/technologist

The Tomorrow Project

“Science fiction gives us the language so that we can have a conversation about the future.”

– Brian David Johnson, Futurist
