Ed Finn joins The Conversation podcast
Our director Ed Finn is the latest thought leader to be featured on The Conversation, a podcast series that “explores visions of the future and questions of the good” through a series of long, unstructured conversations with thinkers and doers of all stripes.
5 Burning Questions: Zach Berkson
In this episode of 5 Burning Questions, we talk with Zach Berkson, a class 0f 2013 ASU graduate, doctoral student in chemical engineering at the University of California, Santa Barbara and founding president of CSI’s affiliated student organization, The Imagination Project.

Do the laws of science fiction apply to reality?
You wouldn’t think so at first, but some rules for writing fiction apply perfectly to reality. It does make sense considering that most forms of fiction try their best to
5 Burning Questions: Julian Bleecker

Elysium Review: Technology
Elysium isn’t as strong of a social commentary as director Neill Blomkamp’s last science fiction venture, District 9, but it still has something to teach us, in a heavy-handed sort

Searching the Past for the Future
Have you ever wondered what people in the past thought the future would be like? What kinds of inventions they thought would revolutionize the way we live? When I look
5 Burning Questions: Juan José Diaz Infante
In this episode of 5 Burning Questions, we talk with curator, photographer and poet Juan José Diaz Infante, mission director for the Mexican Space Collective. Learn more about the Mexican

Bright Lights, Big Seedling
There is no denying that James Cameron created a fantastic world in his award-winning film Avatar. With magnificent animals, blinding colors and bioluminescent tree spirits, it is hard to believe

Towers Invading the Skies
When designing the world’s tallest skyscrapers, there are important factors that absolutely must be considered. What materials are needed to keep a 200-story building from collapsing? Can balconies and gardens

Exosuits Allow for Super Strength, Enhanced Precision
From the load lifter in Aliens to the Human Universal Load Carrier in Elysium, robotic super-suits have a serious fan base in science fiction culture. And what’s not to love?

Resource for teachers: storytelling and the future
This summer and fall, we are teaming up with Intel’s Tomorrow Project and the Society for Science & the Public to present The Future – Powered by Fiction, a competition
Watching Star Wars in Navajo
This is a guest post from ASU professor of English Laura Tohe, writing about the July 3, 2013 unveiling of Star Wars: A New Hope dubbed into the Navajo language,

100 great science fiction stories written by women
Mary Shelley, the world’s first science fiction author. Portrait by Richard Rothwell, 1840. Yesterday one of our spectacular student researchers, Zac Heth, alerted us to this great blog post by
5 Burning Questions: Boyd Branch
In this episode of 5 Burning Questions, we talk with Boyd Branch.

From the Printer to the Dining Table: The 3D Space Cafeteria
Admit it. At some point in your life, you’ve wished you had a device that would dispense freshly made food at the press of a button. Though this seems like

XSEAD: Collaboration starts with a community
XSEAD, headquartered in ASU’s School of Arts, Media and Engineering, is a new digital platform for sharing collaborative projects across science, engineering, arts and design. The project aims to build

Revenge of the Nerd: Junot Díaz and the Networks of American Literary Imagination
Ed Finn, Digital Humanities Quarterly, Volume 7, Number 1 (2013) Full text: http://www.digitalhumanities.org/dhq/vol/7/1/000148/000148.html In this article, CSI director Ed Finn considers the complicated cultural coding of author and MIT creative

CyberSenses at the Digital Culture Gallery
On Saturday, July 13, the CyberSenses group opened a display at ASU’s Digital Culture Gallery as part of the ASU Art Museum’s Family Fun Day. CyberSenses, an initiative of the