
Using design-based research to improve peer help-giving in a middle school math classroom
Mawasi, A., Ahmed, I., Walker, E., Wang, S., Marasli, Z., Whitehurst, A., & Wylie, R.
International Conference on the Learning Sciences.

Neutrality, “New” Digital Divide, and Openness Paradox: Equity in Learning Environments Mediated by Educational Technology
Areej Mawasi, Arizona State University Earl Aguilera, Frenso State University Ruth Wylie, Arizona State University Elisabeth Gee, Arizona State University

Facing the Pariah of Science: The Frankenstein Myth as a Social and Ethical Reference for Scientists
Peter Nagy, Ruth Wylie, Joey Eschrich, Ed Finn Science and Engineering Ethics

Co-Design for Learner Help-Giving Across Physical and Digital Contexts
Ahmed, I., Girotto, V., Mawasi, A., Whitehurst, A., Wylie, R., & Walker, E.
International Conference on the Learning Sciences

Investigating help-giving behavior in a cross-platform learning environment
Ahmed, I., Mawasi, A., Wang, S., Wylie, R., Bergner, Y., Whitehurst, A., & Walker, E
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education

The Enduring Influence of a Dangerous Narrative: How Scientists Can Mitigate the Frankenstein Myth
Bioethical Inquiry
Peter Nagy, Ruth Wylie, Joey Eschrich and Ed Finn
Balancing Student Needs and Learning Theory in a Social Interactive Postdigital Textbook
Erin Walker, Ruth Wylie, Andreea Danielescu, James P. Rodriguez III, Ed Finn End-User Considerations in Educational Technology Design, IGI Global

Why Frankenstein is a Stigma Among Scientists
Peter Nagy, Ruth Wylie, Joey Eschrich, Ed Finn Science and Engineering Ethics Download article

Talking to Bots: Symbiotic Agency and the Case of Tay
Gina Neff and Peter Nagy International Journal Of Communication Download article
Responsibility and Emerging Technologies: Experiences, Education and Beyond
By D.M. Bowman et al. Forward by Bennett, M., Bowman, D., Dijkstra, A.
Evolution and revolution in artificial intelligence in education.
Ido Roll and Ruth Wylie
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education
We Can Build the Future
By Ed Finn, Computer, IEEE Computer Society 48
Fluxing Futures: A Practitioner’s Guide to Probable Near-Term Developments in Publicity Rights Law
By Michael G. Bennett and Libbie Richards, Vanderbilt Journal of Entertainment & Technology Law
Personalized expert skeleton scaffolding in concept map construction
Shang Wang, Erin Walker, Rishabh Chaudhry, and Ruth Wylie Artificial Intelligence in Education
The ICAP Framework: Linking Cognitive Engagement to Active Learning Outcomes
Michelene T. H. Chi & Ruth Wylie
Educational Psychologist
The self-explanation principle in multimedia learning.
Ruth Wylie and Michelene T. H. Chi The Cambridge Handbook of Multimedia Learning