Madeline Ashby

Future Tense Fiction: Stories of Tomorrow
An anthology of mind-bending science fiction short stories by some of the top authors in the field, drawn from our Future Tense Fiction project. How will living with scientific upheaval and technological transformation change the world–and us?

Sci-Fi & Fantasy Short Fiction Roundup: April 2018
Maria Haskins
Barnes & Noble Sci-Fi and Fantasy Blog

Future Tense Fiction: Domestic Violence

Visions, Ventures, Escape Velocities: A Collection of Space Futures
Why should we go to space? Visions, Ventures, Escape Velocities takes on the challenge of imagining new stories at the intersection of public and private—narratives that use the economic and social history of exploration, as well as current technical and scientific research, to inform scenarios for the future of the “new space” era.
Get the book
Sprint Beyond the Book: SSP 2016
SSP 2016 Conference, Vancouver

Evoke: Human Trafficking
A short comic book about the challenge of human trafficking, and how we might address this crisis. Created in collaboration with the World Bank’s Evoke project.
Project Hieroglyph Book Launch: Phoenix, AZ
Launch event for Project Hieroglyph’s first anthology, Hieroglyph: Stories and Visions for a Better Future (HarperCollins, 2014) at the Crescent Ballroom in Phoenix, AZ on October 22, 2014.