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Man as God: ‘Frankenstein’ Turns 200

Marcelo Gleiser NPR – 13.7 Cosmos and Culture

Logo for Science Friday: the letters “sci” in white, and the letters “FRI” in gold, against a dark red background..

Sci Fri Book Club: ‘Frankenstein’

Science Friday

Logo for the Wall Street Journal: the letters “WSJ” in black, all-caps against a textured beige background.

‘Frankenstein’ Has Become a True Monster

Ed Finn and David H. Guston The Wall Street Journal

Photo of the inside of a space station with a ship and planet being seen outside of a large window.

Arizona State University challenges experts, authors to imagine space futures

New research-based collection features narratives by top science fiction authors, essays by experts on future possibilities for exploring Mars, Asteroids, Low Earth Orbit, and Exoplanets.

Out of Control

Richard Holmes
The New York Review of Books

Space Is Not a Void

By Joey Eschrich and Ed Finn
Future Tense – Slate

Artificial Intelligence Is Around the Corner. Educators Should Take Note

Michael Bennett
Education Week

Wired Magazine Logo

Visions, Ventures, Escape Velocities: A Collection of Space Futures

Bruce Sterling
Wired – Beyond the Beyond

‘Black Panther’ isn’t just another Marvel movie — it’s a vision of a future led by blackness

by Xavier Harding Mic

Logo for KJZZ 91.5 radio station: black font against a white background, with a series of concentric semi-circles on the left side, in blue.

Climate Change Nurtures a New Genre of Science Fiction

Steve Goldstein
KJZZ 91.5

Margaret Atwood, Prophet?

Ed Finn
Slate – Future Tense

Drawn Futures: Arizona 2045

Drawn Futures: Arizona 2045 is a science-based comic book for 5th through 8th grade students. Created by award-winning comics authors and advised by ASU sustainability scholar Dr. Paul Hirt, this original story envisions the near future of Arizona’s energy systems.
Learn more…

Black and White photo of Cory Doctorow with black glasses

CSI Conversations: Cory Doctorow

Cory talks about his new novel Walkaway and his essay in the book Frankenstein: Annotated for Scientists, Engineers, and Creators of All Kinds, a new critical edition edited by the leaders of ASU’s Frankenstein Bicentennial Project.

What Matters in Concept Mapping? Maps Learners Create or How They Create Them

Shang Wang, Erin Walker, Ruth Wylie International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education Nominated for Best Paper

Day One of the Imagination Economy

Corey S. Pressman

Balancing Student Needs and Learning Theory in a Social Interactive Postdigital Textbook

Erin Walker, Ruth Wylie, Andreea Danielescu, James P. Rodriguez III, Ed Finn End-User Considerations in Educational Technology Design, IGI Global

The Thing: Who is the disease, and who is the cure?

Robert Weisberg